Friday, August 10, 2012

Lake Tahoe, Here I Come!

All the diet and health plans I’ve ever heard of want you to drink water every day in amounts equivalent to Lake Tahoe.  I exaggerate, you say. “Come on, Lynn, it’s only a gallon.”  A gallon. Do you hear yourself?  Maybe that seems like a reasonable amount to you, but a gallon of water might as well be Lake Tahoe, to me. I like water. Really, I do, but I also like to be able to leave my house for more than ten minutes at a time.  I already do the “tiny bladder turn-around” as it is.  The “TBT”  is a maneuver I usually perform as I’m headed out to the gym, or to the grocery store, or to church and I realize I need to go the bathroom again before I can leave the house.  This happens to me all the time.  So you can imagine how fond I am of my weight loss plan requirement that I strive to drink one-half to one gallon of water every day.

A gallon of anything is just a huge amount of liquid, if you ask me. We put fuel by the gallon into large things like air planes, armored personnel carriers, and Chevrolet Suburbans. When someone stumbles into a patch of poison ivy and breaks out into a really bad rash, they always say things afterwards like, "Ohhh!  I was itching so bad, I bet I went through a gallon of calamine lotion trying to get some relief!"  Even that really big Spanish warship from hundreds of years ago was known as a galleon, which is a word that looks to me like it probably means "holds mucho gallons." I feel sure that the Conquistadors wrangled funds for their expeditions to the Americas with appeals like this: "Your Majesty, certainly you must know how lousy the water is in Europe right now. We're going to need gallons of beer to make it to the New World.  There's simply no way we can we can haul all those kegs and our swords and the horses, not to mention fending off those pesky English pirates trying to steal ou--I mean, your gold, without a new galleon."  I'm telling you, drinking a gallon of water in a single day is a big deal!

As challenging as all this water drinking is for me, I am trying hard to drink at least half a gallon of it daily.  I know that fresh, pure water is one of the best things you can put into your body. In fact, I used to have a copy of a very well-documented book on the merits of drinking like a fish. Water, that is.  A doctor somewhere in the middle east, I think, was able to cure all kinds of serious maladies for his patients just by getting them to drink a whole lot of water. There’s plenty of medical evidence to prove that water does your body a world of good.

Somewhere deep down in my heart I actually believe this. So, Lake Tahoe, here I come!


P.S.  All joking aside, many people in our world are in desperate need of a reliable source of fresh drinking water.  Here's two ways you can help bring the gift of clean water in Jesus' Name:

Samaritan's Purse Water Projects

Operation Blessing International


  1. I think I've finally gotten it. Blessings, Lynn!

  2. Yea!! Thanks, Bob, for hanging in there. If you have a minute, would you tell me what you did that succeeded?


  3. lynn if you stick with it, your body will get used to it...i promise.

  4. I went to name/URL and wrote my name, then answered the little what letters do you see puzzle, then hit publish.

    1. Aha! do you think you just left that step out beforehand? Maybe you didn't scroll down far enough? I do things like that all the time!

  5. I can drink a couple of gallons when I'm working outside on a hot day, but other than those times, it seems excessive to me, too.
    Now, coffee....that's different. I'm sure i could count a couple of quarts daily if i actually did ever count. Maybe it's not that different tho...after all, coffee is really only black water.

  6. Same here! Love my coffee, but it does tend to draw water out of me pretty fast.

    Thanks for the comment!


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